Nanoil Retinol Face Serum: My favourite anti-ageing face serum!

the best face serum with retinol Nanoil

Once your skin starts ageing, there are two paths you can take – you can either come to terms with the fact that the skin is and will be wrinkled, or you can equip yourself with an “iron” to smooth them out. How does an iron for fine lines look like? It’s a liquid and it’s called retinol, or vitamin A if you like. That’s why today I’m going to review Nanoil and its retinol face serum, which is my fave wrinkle remover.

Why is retinol said to be the best anti-ageing substance?

Retinol? It sounds like some kind of a radioactive element… but if you read about it, you will find out that this is just another name for vitamin A! Indeed, vitamin A has a huge rejuvenating potential. When added to cosmetics, it’s called retinol that – together with other retinoids – makes up this precious vitamin.

Furthermore, retinol is an organic alcohol that belongs to carotenoid group. If you check it on the internet, you will see that this substance is essential for the human body, keeping the skin and mucous membranes healthy. Simply put, retinol is the vital substance for clear and youthful-looking skin. It’s able to repair skin and reduce wrinkles, minimize pigmentation and dark spots. Last but not least, retinol is a common substance added to all kinds of cosmetics and medications that deal with acne.

Retinol affects all layers of skin, not only epidermis. For that reason, retinol should be served to the skin in a form that helps it penetrate deeper. That is why face serum is the best carrier for vitamin A – as the only one, it goes through all layers to work from within. And among face serums, there is one that stands out, and this is Nanoil. What makes it special?

What made me buy Nanoil retinol serum?

There are plenty of things that work to this serum advantage. Just look:

  1. Nanoil Retinol Face Serum contains the finest form of retinol that is highly effective and totally safe even for hyper-reactive skin.
  2. The composition is short and well-thought-out, there is no substance that impedes retinol from delivering the desired results. This means that Nanoil gives you only the ingredients that skin needs, not a blend of substances with a trace amount of retinol, placed somewhere at the end of ICNI.
  3. Retinol is boosted! There is no other substance that would match retinol better than Asian punarnava, which is Boerhavia Diffusa root extract. This is an antioxidant able to improve the appearance of skin, leaving it even-toned and brighter.
  4. Prize, size and quality are the best!
  5. I have to admit that I’m not a big fan of oil-based skincare products. That’s why the texture of Nanoil serum is so pleasant to me. It doesn’t leave skin oily but penetrates quickly.

Correct way of using retinol face serum

I guess, some of you may have come across a piece of information that retinol doesn’t like being exposed to UV light, and that’s actually true. But once you apply retinol at bedtime and use sunscreen in the morning, you will be perfectly fine. By the way, UV light is one of the factors (just like smoking cigarettes or eating too much highly processed food) responsible for accelerated skin ageing. This means that you should ALWAYS apply SPF products no matter if you undergo a retinol treatment or not.

Coming back to Nanoil face serum, the retinol used in this product is proven to be safe for sensitive skin because it doesn’t cause any strong effect of exfoliation, irritation or facial redness. I apply mine once a day, before hitting the hay to cleansed skin that still has some facial toner on it.

The effects I noticed after a week

It was more than a positive surprise – Nanoil improves skin in the first week! Naturally, the changes aren’t profound – don’t count on total wrinkle reduction! – but I’m sure you’ll like the feeling of smooth and moisturized skin. I also had an impression that my complexion became somehow more elastic.

The effects I noticed after 4 weeks

After more or less a month I was sure that my skin was undergoing some serious metamorphosis 😀 My face looked radiant, smooth, even-toned! I didn’t notice sunspots any longer!

Final effects

It’s been two months since I used Nanoil Retinol Face Serum for the first time and you know what? I can see my fine lines being less visible, skin is smooth, supple and it stops developing blemishes. Now, all I can do is encourage you to visit and check if you want to undergo the same metamorphosis my skin did. Just read more about this anti-ageing face serum 🙂

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